Adjust Funds Invested allows users to add or remove funds from an open position on the Flipster trading platform.
How to Add Funds
Step 1: Navigate to the [Trade] tab.
- Under [Open positions], tap on the trading pair.
Step 2: Under the [Positions] tab, tap on the [edit] button next to Funds invested.
Step 3: Tap on [Add].
Step 4: Select the desired fund amount to be added.
- The maximum funds that can be added are displayed in the percentage bar.
- The new liquidation price estimate is displayed on the screen.
How to Remove Funds
Step 1: Navigate to the [Trade] tab.
- Under [Open positions], tap on the trading pair.
Step 2: Under the [Positions] tab, tap on the [edit] button next to Funds invested.
Step 3: Tap on [Remove].
Step 4: Select the desired fund amount to be removed.
- The maximum funds that can be removed are displayed in the percentage bar.
- The new liquidation price estimate is displayed on the screen.