Trigger orders are powerful tools in cryptocurrency trading that allow traders to automate trading strategies based on predefined conditions. By setting a trigger price, traders can execute trades when specific criteria are met, even when not actively monitoring the markets.
How to Use Trigger Orders
Step 1: Search for the desired product.
- Navigate to the [Trade] page and search from over 125 products.
Step 2: Select the desired symbol.
- Tapping on any symbol will take you to the order screen.
Step 3: Set a conditional market order.
- Disable the [use market price] option on the order screen.
Note: Flipster currently supports conditional market orders only. Other conditional order types, such as limit orders or stop-limit orders, are currently unavailable.
Step 4: Input the trigger price.
- Enter the desired trigger price for the order to execute.
- Click on the [confirm your price] button.
Step 5: Complete the order.
- Enter the desired funds and leverage levels to complete the order.