One Punch Man Season 3, also known as One Punch Man 3rd Season, is an upcoming TV series produced by J.C.Staff. It is based on the manga of the same name by ONE. The number of episodes and the premiere date are currently unknown. The series falls under the genres of Action and Comedy, with themes including Adult Cast, Parody, and Super Power, catering to a Seinen demographic. The rating is R – 17+ (violence & profanity). The synopsis simply states it’s the third season of One Punch Man. The main character, Saitama, is voiced by Furukawa Makoto in Japanese. Other supporting characters include Doctor Genus voiced by Namikawa Daisuke, and Garou voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru. The staff includes character designers Kubota Chikashi and Kuroda Shinjirou, composer Miyazaki Makoto, original character designer Murata Yusuke, and series composer Suzuki Tomohiro.
What are the details for One Punch Man Season 3?
AnimeCharacter DesignDoctor GenusFurukawa MakotoGarouJapaneseKubota ChikashiKuroda ShinjirouMainMidorikawa HikaruMiyazaki MakotoMurata YusukeMusicNamikawa DaisukeONEOne Punch Man 3One Punch Man 3rd SeasonOne Punch Man Season 3Original Character DesignOriginal CreatorSaitamaSeries CompositionShirokawa RyousukeSupportingSuzuki Tomohiro